
Inspired Eye Magazine
(May 2022)

This is the second occasion of my interview published on Inspired Eye Magazine, issue 105 in May 2022. Please find the interviewed contents as follows;

Please tell us something about you, your life and your interest, etc. Put as much detail as you like and then we will start the questions.


I probably did not write much about myself in detail last time. Because I as an artist do not want readers to look at me with prejudice. So I also do not disclose my age and profession. I do not make any money from photography and I do not intend to. In other words, as an artist, I can take photographs freely without any restrictions. On the other hand, I cannot decide where to go. I would say that there are opportunities to stay overseas for a long period of time where I have a job and take photographs in various places. And I never change my style anywhere I am.

As a street photographer, I would try to visualise a "moment" in the daily scene because a photograph is only able to capture the instant moment when I press the shutter release button. In other words, no past and no future can be captured. If I can capture "moment" in the photograph, I think that the viewer who sees my work 10 to 20 years later will be able to feel the era I am living in.


ストリート写真家である僕は,日常の風景の中にある 「今」 を可視化したいと考えています。何故なら写真というのはシャッターボタンを押した瞬間だけを撮ることができるからです。言い換えれば,過去も未来も捉えることはできません。「今」 を写真に収めることができれば,10年後,20年後に僕の作品を見た人は,僕が生きている時代を感じることができると考えています。

Since your last interview, have you worked on and or completed any projects?

Nothing special but I am shooting as usual wherever I am. In fact, I am currently so busy and hard to find a time slot to create my photography works, not only shooting but also post-processing and printing.


Would you please describe some details of these projects?


The last interview was approx. a year ago when I was in Japan and then I had an opportunity to stay in Doha, Qatar for about half a year. Since I used to live there until 11 years ago, I have longing memories. Previously it was hard to shoot street photography there because of typical Arabic culture, where Arabic people do not like to be photographed without permission in general. Even though I had asked permission, they disliked being shot in most of the cases. In fact, it has not been changed since before.

But last year the atmosphere had changed a little bit and I could take street photography easier than before. I guess Arabic people have started to enjoy photography by using smartphones resulting in the allergy has been reduced.

This time I would like to introduce my work in Doha which shot ordinary people who live there, including foreigners who are typically non-Arabic such as East and South Asians. Other works were taken in Yokohama, Japan where I am living.



Have you noticed a change in your vision or work and what is it?

Good question. My vision became clear when I put the policy of my work into words in the last interview. I do not think what I should shoot has changed. On the other hand, since I have no opportunity to communicate with other photographers directly due to COVID-19, it is not easy to maintain motivation.


Have you made any changes in your gear or process? Can you explain what and why?

Actually, I have just switched my main camera to OM System OM-1 from Panasonic LUMIX DC-GX9 (DC-GX7MK3 in Japan). Though I had been satisfied with the great AF/AE performance of the LUMIX, I intended to improve the yield rate of success especially for low light situations. I expect improved sensor performance and great in body image stabilization (IBIS) of the brand new OM-1.

I usually use Lightroom and Photoshop installed on my desktop PC for post-processing when I am in Japan. But when I was in Doha last year, I could not use the laptop PC for post-processing which my company assigned me for office use due to poor performance. So I tried to use Lightroom and Photoshop mobile installed on the 11" iPad Pro with Apple Pencil 2 instead. It was the first experience but I felt it had no major issue.

実はメインカメラをパナソニック LUMIX DC-GX 9 (日本ではDC-GX 7 MK 3) からOM System OM-1に買い替えたところです。LUMIXの優れたAF/AE性能には満足していましたが,特に低照度時の歩留まり向上を目指しました。新型OM-1のセンサ性能の向上と優れたボディー内手振れ補正に期待しています。

僕は普段日本に居る時はデスクトップPCにインストールされたLightroomとPhotoshopを使っています。しかし,昨年ドーハにいた時,会社から事務用に割り当てられたノートパソコンの性能が悪く,後処理に使うことができませんでした。そこで,代わりに11インチのiPad ProにLightroomとPhotoshopモバイルをインストールし,Apple Pencil 2と共に使ってみました。iPadでの後処理は初めての経験でしたが,大きな問題は無かったと思います。

What is your favorite Focal Length or Field of View?


28-50mm. I am still using two single focus lenses, Leica DG Summilux 15mm F1.7 (30mm equiv) and Leica DG Summilux 25mm F1.4 (50mm equiv), which is unchanged. I never use a telephoto lens for street works because it is difficult to feel the photographer in the frame because of the distance from the subject.

28~50mmです。レンズは今も単焦点レンズのライカDGズミルックス15 mmF 1.7 (30 mm相当) とライカDGズミルックス25 mmF 1.4 (50 mm相当) を使っていて変更なしです。僕はストリートスナップを撮るのに望遠レンズを使うことはありません。 被写体との距離が遠くなり,フレームの中で撮影者を感じることが難しくなるからです。

What camera are you working with currently?


As explained above, I have just started to use OM-1 of the "digital" era. I used to use "analogue" Olympus OM-1 for many years but it was fully manual, no AF and no AE. Taking photography becomes much easier than in the analogue era.

上記の通り僕は 「デジタル」 時代のOM-1を使い始めたばかりです。長年銀塩時代のオリンパスOM-1を使用していましたが,全てマニュアル操作が必要なカメラで,AFなし,AEなしでした。銀塩時代よりも写真を撮るのが簡単になりましたね。

As time passes, our path may be different than we anticipated. Have you noticed anything in particular that may have helped or hindered your work?

To be honest, I do not want to explain in public, but I lost something very important. It was inevitable, but I was shocked. I think it has some influences on my photography because the works express myself.


Have you had any exhibitions, worked published, or new online websites?


I rarely used Instagram when I was interviewed last time, but I've been posting there continuously for the past year. I am dreaming of holding a photo exhibition somewhere to show my works to the public in future, though I am currently so busy and there is no time to prepare.

Meanwhile, I posted some articles about photography on my miscellaneous blog recently. Unfortunately, since they were written in Japanese, I cannot introduce them here.



What are your plans for the future?


Nothing particular so far. I continue to shoot wherever I am. But if I were to have time, I would like to produce some documentary works rather than street snaps.


If there's anything you'd like to say, now's a good time.

I would be very happy if the reader has a chance to visit any of the following links and hopefully comment on how you feel about my work rather than just press the "Like" button, or follow me if you really like it!

Finally thank you very much Don for giving me the second opportunity to introduce my words and works. It is a great honor for me.

読者が以下のリンクのいずれかにアクセスし,「いいね!」 ボタンを押すだけでなく,僕の作品についてどう感じているかコメントしたり,もし本当に気に入ったら僕をフォローしたりしていただければ,とても嬉しく思います!






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