
Inspired Eye Magazine
(May 2021)

I was invited to be interviewed on Inspired Eye Magazine, issue 93 in May 2021. Please find the interviewed contents as follows;

Please tell us something about you, your life and interest, etc. Put as much detail as you like and then we will start the questions.

(Kenji) I am an artist here and nothing else. Please read my interview below who am I. If I were to introduce myself, I would have the opportunity to visit or live around the world and take photographs in various places wherever I am.


What inspired you to become a photographer?

(Kenji) I started to take photographs since I was in elementary school by using my father's camera but of course not as an artist. I joined the photo club as an extracurricular activity when I was in high school and learned about the basics of photography as well as film development and printing technique in the real darkroom. After graduating high school, I had no longer act as an artist for a long period of time, even though I owned an analogue SLR camera. One day, I bought a DSLR camera due to family reasons, then I immediately realized in my mind that I should take photographs of subjects other than my family. I think this was because of my experience in high school. Then gradually I started to post my work on a website as a photographer. Some professional and amateur photographers also pushed my back as well on the website.


What age are you and at what age did you start your journey as a photographer?

(Kenji) I should say since 2009 at the time when I joined a Japanese photography website.


Would you mind sharing some of the things you feel helped you along the way with your photography, (lessons, workshops, books, etc)....and also some of the things that may have hindered you, that you overcame on this journey?


(Kenji) I do not need to learn about shooting technique because I have had enough experience of it since I was a boy. However, I took a series of digital printing courses including post-processing using Photoshop since I had no idea about how to do it in digital because my darkroom experience in the analogue era was no longer valid. I believe I could stand on the same level as I did in the analogue era from a technical point of view.

At the beginning of my artistic activity which was still primitive level though, I was excited to post my works on the photography website because of the immediate response from the viewers.

I really enjoyed communicating with them since there were several artists who became famous nowadays.

However, I gradually lost my motivation because of a slump. Especially after I returned from an African country, the experience was so intense that I found it difficult to take an interest in ordinary life in Japan.

At that time, I met a photographer as an artist. Actually, the artist was in a slump too. I have not been encouraged directly though, it is sure that the presence of the artist has encouraged me a lot.





Do you feel photography enhances your life? If so, how?

(Kenji) I think it is necessary to balance my mind and body. I think art is essentially self-expression and creativity releases my stressful life. Actually, I like music as well as photography, but I chose photography because I did not have the talent to play instruments and photography was the closest artistic activity to me.


If we are speaking specifically of photographers, which are the ones of the past and present do you admire?

(Kenji) I like Joel Meyerowitz, William Eggleston and even more legendary photographers such as Ihei Kimura and Robert Doisneau, etc. for example. I am also watching some photographers currently working on, though I do not want to list them up here.


What purpose does photography serve for you?

(Kenji) As a street photographer, I would try to visualise a "moment" in the daily scene because a photograph is only able to capture the instant moment when I press the shutter release button. No past, no future. And I am attracted to the story that happened to my surroundings where I live, while I am not interested in an extraordinary scene like festivals or special occasions. My stance never changes anywhere in the globe.


Do you do photography for hire or as an art form?

(Kenji) An artist only.


What do you do for work and how does photography fit into that?

(Kenji) I am working worldwide as my profession, and have the opportunity to see a different world or environment which motivates me to take photographs, not as a traveler, but as an objective photographer.


What Genre' of photography are you most comfortable working in?

(Kenji) Street photography and documentary.


When you work, are you working on different series or just finding photos that fit the way you feel at the moment?

(Kenji) I have some themes in my mind, while I am working on them freely for the time being.


Can you describe a few of the trigger mechanisms that make you want to stop and shoot?

(Kenji) I tend to look at the subject objectively. I always pay attention to the surroundings of the main subject. This is because a story is created by arranging the second and third subjects in the frame. Such that I am conscious of the layers. The subjects are not necessarily a person/people of course.


How strong of a connection do you have with your subject matter and can you describe that connection?

(Kenji) As explained above, I tend to look at the subject objectively however, I think the photographer should be in or be felt by the viewer in the frame on the other hand. It is not meant as a self-portrait. Why I do not use a telephoto lens is that it is difficult to feel the photographer in the frame because of the distance from the subject.


What are your recurring themes?

(Kenji) I was strongly influenced by the story of "The Tale of the Heike", which was published 13 centuries, which tells that life rises and declines, all things are in flux and nothing is permanent. The theme of the tale is still alive because it expresses ordinal human nature. It becomes, therefore, the central concept of my work. If I can capture such changes in the photograph, I think that the viewer who sees my work 10 to 20 years later will be able to feel the era I was in.


What camera are you working with currently?

(Kenji) Mainly Panasonic LUMIX DC-GX9 (DC-GX7MK3 in Japan). I used to use Nikon's DSLR and Pentax Q as well.

What is your favorite Focal Length or Field of View?

(Kenji) 28 to 50mm. I am currently using Leica DG Summilux 15mm F1.7 (30mm equiv.) and Leica DG Summilux 25mm F1.4 (50mm equiv.) for the above camera.

What is the distance to your subject you are most comfortable with while working?

(Kenji) Because of the objective viewpoint, I do not take too much close-up. I am conscious of the appropriate distance feeling that matches the angle of view of the lens I use.


How do you see the relationship with your camera? Is it a friend, tool, or whatever?


(Kenji) A tool as a part of my hand or eye.


Do you have a preference for Black & White or Color? Please explain why.

(Kenji) I take both. Recently I intend to create colour works because I would like to express the atmosphere of the present era for future viewers.


Are you self-taught, educated, or a little bit of both?

(Kenji) Basically self-taught but as explained above, I learned post-processing and printing technique of digital photography in a seminar.


How do you feel about being photographed?

(Kenji) I am sometimes photographed on the street even though I am an ugly man :). I closely observe the photographer and usually shoot him/her as retaliatory. The number of photographers taking pictures without looking through the viewfinder has increased.

私は不細工な男なのにも関わらず,街で写真を撮られることがあります:) 私はその写真家をよく観察し,通常は報復として撮り返してやります。ファインダーを覗かずに写真を撮る写真家の数が増えましたね。

Do you like to work by yourself or to have someone with you? Please explain why.

(Kenji) Basically alone because I shoot around where I live.


Do you listen to music while you are shooting? How do you feel the music enhances the visual experience?

(Kenji) No, I do not listen to music while shooting. In addition to my eyes, my five senses are important for shooting, such as my ears, nose, and skin which feel the temperature and humidity of the wind. I cannot concentrate when the sound on the street is muted by music.


Do you have a preference for images as an analog or as a digital state?

(Kenji) I experienced both but I prefer digital photography because analogue is too costly nowadays. I do not mind if it is just for viewing.


How important is the post-processing of the pictures in your work?

(Kenji) Very important. As well as the analogue printing technique, digital post-processing should be in place to enhance the subject clearly to the viewer. But I basically do not erase or replace any objects in the frame for street photography, even though I can because it will twist the facts. I am taking photographs to pass on the atmosphere of the present era to future generations, so such post-processing would leave a lie.


Where in the world are you located?

(Kenji) Yokohama, which is next to Tokyo.

Where is your favorite place to work?

(Kenji) I shoot wherever I am.


When you're feeling somewhat slow or lost, how do you find your way back to find inspiration to get working again?

(Kenji) There is no answer to how to motivate during the slump. In my case though, I have been encouraged by the presence of a photographer who appeared in front of me.


Do you exhibit your work in any form?

(Kenji) I have no experience but would like to have one someday.


Do you go to exhibitions or do so on the web?

(Kenji) Since I like to visit art museums, I also go to photo exhibitions occasionally.


Do you collect other photographer's work?

(Kenji) I own several photo collections but I am a photographer, not a collector.


How do you feel about the current state of photography?

(Kenji) It becomes harder to take photographs on the street. The portrait right and privacy are too much highlighted, and an anti-nuisance ordinance to prevent unauthorized photography is also a nuisance for our works. If you do not understand them correctly, you may be treated as a criminal. On the other hand, if you understand it correctly and have a firm policy and stance, you have nothing to fear.


How satisfied are you in your current state of photography and what would you like to improve upon?

(Kenji) I just do what I can do now. I would like to have enough time to create my work though.


Can you describe how you judge the success or failure of your work?

(Kenji) It is the reaction of the viewers. Not the number of "likes". I can see how viewers look at the work when they comment to the work about what I had or had not intended.


What would you be doing now if you had not picked up the camera?

(Kenji) No idea because I have used cameras since I was a boy.


What do you dislike about photography?

(Kenji) There is no right answer. In that sense, I am free to do whatever I want, on the other hand, I need to be courteous about the subject and give full consideration to the socially vulnerable. I dislike photographs that lack such consideration.


Is there a question that you would like to answer that I haven't asked for?

(Kenji) I love humanity and shoot them to express my sincere respect.


If you would like to make a closing statement, we'd love to hear what you have to say.

(Kenji) I am happy to join this group and thank you very much Don for kind support.


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