As my lifework

Japanese follows English. (英文の後に日本語訳)

As a street photographer based in Japan, I would try to visualise a "moment" in the daily scene because a photograph is only able to capture the instant moment when I press the shutter release button. No past, no future. And I am attracted to the story that happened to my surroundings where I live, while I am not interested in extraordinary scenes like festivals or special occasions. My stance never changes anywhere on the globe.

I am working worldwide as my profession, and have the opportunity to see a different world or environment, not as a traveller, but as an objective photographer wherever I am. In fact, before I became a photographer, I used to take photographs of curious objects and sceneries for my good memory. But now, no matter where in the world I shoot, I can see and feel common elements of human nature. Furthermore, I have also become able to feel the anguish and delight that each society has. That motivates me to shoot.

I was strongly influenced by the story of "The Tale of the Heike", which was published 13 centuries, which tells that life rises and declines, all things are in flux and nothing is permanent. The story describes the governing structure in the Samurai era, but it can also be applied to general society or community. In other words, everything in the world is changing all the time, and a flourishing city, town or village will be disappeared someday for some reason. The theme of the tale is still alive because it expresses ordinal human nature.

If I can capture such changes in the photograph, I think that the viewer who sees my work 10 to 20 years later will be able to feel the era I was in.

What I have said here is my artist statement and the concept of my lifework. I believe that the most important thing is to have ordinary scenes I am taking reflect the era I am living in. Since each project will be tackled for a different reason, it will have a narrower theme, but the concept explained above remains unchanged.

I love humanity and shoot them to express my sincere respect.




"祇園精舎の鐘の声,諸行無常の響きあり。沙羅双樹の花の色,盛者必衰の理をあらはす。奢れる人も久からず,ただ春の夜の夢のごとし。猛き者も遂にはほろびぬ,偏ひとへに風の前の塵におなじ "



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